Game Commander Rules

16-GC-01.  There is created the office of Game Commander (GC).

16-GC-02.  This office shall be under and appointed by the Supreme Commander (SC). If a current GC has served as GC in good standing, and they have served more than 3 months in their position, they have the option of continuing as GC for the next 6 month term. If the SC seeks to remove a GC in good standing (as evident by monthly GC review reports) then the GC may only be removed and replaced by a 2/3 approval of the Quorum as with constitutional officers. A GC in good standing is defined as at least 2 of the last 3 reviews are at a level of “acceptable” or greater

16-GC-03.  Game Commanders will have full command of the offical game guild assigned to, subject to SC General Orders.  Their term is 6 months, unless removed by the SC. They have all the same powers as the SC inside their respective game.  All GCs are required to command at least one guild in the game commanded and must be a member of every guild under their command. There are no term limits. However, the SC may choose to command no more than one offical game directly. When this is elected by the SC the following apply:

a.  The SC must have been the GC in good standing for the offical game they wish to take direct command of in their direct predecessors term.

b.  When the Supreme Commander is also acting as a Game Commander, they have both the responsibilities of the Supreme Commander toward the guild, and to that game as its Game Commander.

16-GC-04.  Each official game of Pegasus Command shall have a game commander in charge of such game, unless under the direct command of the SC.  Unless the game has competition between the game factions or guilds, in such case each guild will have its own Game Commander, to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest. 

16-GC-05 Game Commanders may create game specific rules for the game they command. These rules may not conflict with any Peg Com Rules or Traditions, nor may they conflict with any standing Supreme Commander General Order. The scope of the rules may only deal with gameplay issues, guild attendance requirements, special subgroups, giveaways, and in game guild roster ranks and permissions.

16-GC-06.   It shall be a Game Commander's primary responsibility to ensure their game guilds reach and maintain sustainability as defined in 6-SC-26. As well as to provide accurate and honest feedback to the Supreme Commander about their game guild.

16-GC-07. Below is the rule for scheduling overlapping organized game activities in Pegasus Command.

A. Pegasus Command, being a multi-game guild, wants to encourage members to play multiple games should they wish. Yet, it is recognized that there is only a small amount of prime game times available in which to schedule any organized game activities.  To balance the need to allow multi-gaming inside the guild and share such times fairly overlapping of any game guild’s activities will be allowed.

B. When a Game Commander wishes to schedule an organized game activity which will overlap with other game activities, the Game Commander shall contact the Game Commanders of those games to see if they have any issues with the overlap before scheduling any such activity.  In addition, the Game Commander shall notify the Supreme Commander of the overlap request, so they are made aware of it.

C. If the Game Commanders agree to the overlap, then Game Commander is permitted to schedule the overlapping organized game activity.  If the Game Commanders do not agree to the overlap, then the Game Commander shall notify the Supreme Commander of the issue who will make the final decision if the overlap is to be allowed.

D. In making this decision the following shall be considered balancing the factors between all affected game guilds:

        1. The amount of current shared membership between the games affected.

        2. The types of events that would be overlapping.

        3. Game Commander or other in game officer availability to run events.

        4. Impact at the time on any of the game guilds operations.

        5. Other times available that are reasonable for the event.

        6. Game guild missions and status with the guild, is it an expansion game etc.

        7. Any hardships on members.- Likelihood overlap may prevent cross gaming, at the current time.

        8. Overall mission of Pegasus Command and basic fairness.

        9. Any other reasonable factors the Supreme Commander in their best judgment believes should be considered with Pegasus Command as a whole.

E. If approved by the Supreme Commander, the overlap may occur.  To appeal to this decision any citizen may bring a contest to the Quorum for consideration. Who shall hear the complaint and may overrule the Supreme Commander’s decision by majority vote.


16-GC-08. Below are the rules for scheduling organized game activities in Pegasus Command:

 1. The Pegasus Command website calendar is the only source for what is and what is not scheduled for all purposes of Pegasus Command organized game activities.

 2. The offices of the Supreme Commander and Game Commanders will only enter organized game activities on the website calendar for the next month near the end of the current month.

 3. If a Game Commander needed to re-schedule an organized game activity to another day or time, then the Game Commander shall notify the Supreme Commander of the change, so they are made aware of it.

 4. Mondays between the hours of 7PM ET – 11PM ET are reserved for the Office of the President for the purpose of guild wide Presidential events (i.e. Movie and Karaoke night). Organized game activities scheduled on Monday nights would need to end by 7PM ET or start after 11PM ET.

 5. Saturdays between the hours of 9PM ET – 11PM ET are reserved for Quorum meetings when they are held and for the Office of the President for the purpose of special guild wide events. Organized game activities scheduled on Saturday nights would need to end by 9PM ET or start after 11PM ET when there is a guild wide event scheduled.  However, if the Supreme Commander or a Game Commander wishes to use this timeframe if no guild wide special event is scheduled, then consent from the Office of the President is required. The Office of the President shall not be un-reasonable when withholding this time slot.

 6. 20/20 Commander Call (CC) rule – No CC may start 20 minutes before the start time of any organized game activity and may not start until 20 minutes after any organized game activity’s start time. As such this is the 20/20 CC rule so 40 minutes of time is blacked out for CCs around each organized game activity.

 7. Guild wide events hosted by the Head of State or Office of the President shall not overlap without the consent of the holders of those offices. The Head of State and Office of the President shall not be un-reasonable with each other with this consent.


16-GC-09. Below is the rule for when organized game activities need to be covered by another member if the person who is designated to lead it is unavailable at that time:

A. If the member is unavailable to lead an organized game activity, then they will need to contact the below members in the following order to see if they are available to cover for them.

  I. The Command Staff members of that game.

 II. Non-Command Staff members of that game who are familiar with that organized game activity.

III. Command Staff members of another game who play that game.

B. If no members are available to run the organized game activity, then the organized game activity can be cancelled.  The Supreme Commander shall be contacted afterwards to let them know.


16-GC-10. Below are the official organized game activities in Pegasus Command and their definitions:

 A. All Pegasus Command activities need to follow the Pegasus Command Triple M method (Mission, Means, and Motive) which is below.

 Mission - Is your objective for the OP or phase of the OP (This is what you want to do).

 Means - What you need to complete the stated objective (This is the how you will do that).

 Motive - Why you want to do the objective in the first instance (This is the why you want to do it in the first place).

 Pegasus Command OPs:

  1. Organized game activities run within a game on a weekly basis.

  2. Each game requires a minimum of one OP per week and must be compliant with 6-SC-26.

  3. The Game Commander is required to lead one of the scheduled OPs on a weekly basis.

  4. The Game Commander should stream one of the scheduled OPs on Twitch on a weekly basis.

  5. The Game Commander may delegate a designated member of the guild to run an OP if there is more than one OP scheduled on a weekly basis.

  6. OPs should start no longer than 10 minutes after their scheduled time.

  7. OPs may be cancelled after 15 minutes has passed their scheduled time if not enough members join to participate.

  8. OPs will need to be added to the Pegasus Command calendar.

  9. OPs will need to last a minimum of 1 hour.

10. OPs are permitted to last more than 1 hour but members are not required to stay longer than 1 hour to receive participation credit.


B. Pegasus Command Mini OPs: 

  • Organized game activities run within a game on a periodic basis.
  • Game Commanders have the discretion for the name of their games Mini OP and when it will be scheduled (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly).
  • The Game Commander may delegate a designated member of the guild to run a Mini OP.
  • Mini OPs will need to be added to the Pegasus Command calendar.
  • Mini OPs will need to last a minimum of 25 minutes.


C. Pegasus Command Commander Calls (CCs): 

  • Organized game activities run within a game on an ad hoc basis.
  • Game Commanders and Officers of that game are permitted to call CCs at their discretion.
  • CCs must be run by the Game Commander or an Officer of that game.
  • When a CC is called, announcements will need to be made within the game and within the game’s Discord channel to let members know what the CC is for.
  • CCs will need to follow the 20/20 CC rule.
  • Once every 3 months Game Commanders are authorized to have a non-game CC called in their games Discord channel.
  • CCs do not need to be added to the Pegasus Command calendar.
  • CCs will need to last a minimum of 25 minutes.


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