Office of the President Rules

 Powers and Duties of The Office of President


5-PR-1.   The Office of the President is in charge of the guilds purge and removal of guild members. They will follow the rules and procedures as laid out in our purge rules in carrying out this duty.

5-PR-2.   The President may impose suspensions from activities under their control for up to 31 days due to Rule Violations and/or General Order violations. Such suspensions must be handled in private and must be for conduct that occurred within the president’s jurisdiction.  The suspended member may appeal such suspension to the Quorum, which may be overturned by a majority of those voting. When the Quorum is hearing such an appeal it must give great weight to the imposition of such a suspension and only overturned or modified due to demonstrated unfairness and/or arbitrariness. The President is charged with creation of a system outlining when suspensions are appropriate that is reasonable and fair to all members. This office is charged with working with the Office of the Supreme Commander to ensure all such suspensions are reciprocal.

5-PR-3.   The Office of the President is in charge of all guild wide social events and will conduct two large guild giveaways each year. One will be held during the Holiday months each year, and the other will be month long during the month of July in celebration of the guild anniversary.

5-PR-4.   Reserved

5-PR-5.   Reserved

5-PR-6.   Guild wide social events will be open to all members. The president shall be responsible for ensuring there is a wide range of such activities, to promote them in the guild communication server and on the guild site, and work with the Office of the Supreme Commander to encourage attendance. The president will monitor the popularity of such events, and ensure they are staffed as needed.

5-PR-7.   The Office of the President will propose a budget for the guild wide giveaways no less than one month prior to occurring to the Head of State for approval and funding. The president may also make supplementary budget requests to the Quorum for any event at least three months in advance.

5-PR-8.   All Office of the President General Orders remain effective until revoked by the active president.

5-PR-9.   The President while unable to serve as Supreme Commander, should no citizen file for SC, the President will under such circumstance acquire the powers of the SC until one can be elected by the Quorum.  Solely for the purpose of guild continuity. The President will also ensure a smooth transition of power to any subsequently elected Supreme Commander. This rule is effective for the election cycle starting July, 2019.







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