Peg Com Rules

6-SC-8.  Game Planning Process: All game specific planning will follow the following path:

a. The Supreme Commander will send to the Game Commander their game specific plan, within 7 days of their election;

b. The Game Commander will review the plan for up to 7 days after reciept, then return their feedback to the Supreme Commander;

c. The Supreme Commander will within 3 days of feedback reciept send the finalized plan to the Game Commander.

d. The Game Commander will have 3 days after reciept of the final plan to file formal objections, faluire to do so wavies any plan objections and the plan will be seen as accepted without objection. Such objections must be in writing and filed with the Quorum.

No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em