In order to establish a guideline for basic Game Commander and XO duties the following is adopted by the Office of the Supreme Commander:
Game Commander Duties Guideline
Powers by rule: Game Commanders (GC) will have full command of the official game guild assigned to, subject to Supreme Commander (SC) General Orders. Their term is 6 months, unless removed by the SC. They have all the same powers as the SC inside their respective game. All GCs are required to command at least one guild in the game commanded and must be a member of every guild under their command.
General Duties: GCs are the captain of their game and as such responsible for every aspect of it and that of their staff. GCs are the tactical officer responsible for the execution and implementation of the game plan. They are tasked with providing forthright information timely to the Supreme Commander so that adjustments can be made, and difficulties ascertained.
Specific Duties:
1. Must run at least one end game op in the guild or provide direct training for it in another type of op they directly command.
2. Supervise their staff adequately and remove/discipline as dictated by actions, plan, rule, or lawful command of Supreme Commander.
3. Provide adequate notice to members of the guild of events and activities.
4. Maintain an adequate roster, purge as required, provide timely notice of members leaving, and provide discipline as needed to membership of their guild.
5. Comply with 6-SC-26.
6. Be present in their game and games discord enough to maintain adequate discord flow.
7. Ensure new members are provided adequate outreach and engagement so that any reasonable new member would know the following inside a reasonable time frame (not drinking from the fire hydrant here): Where guild holdings are in the game and how to acquire access to them, When Ops/Events are and what is ongoing at the time they come in, we are helpful and what op the guild has most likely would interest them based on where they are in the game, minimum guild activity requirement, and have been contacted on no less than 3 occasions when online in game if possible to join discord for ops/events.
8. Directly recruit at least half of the number of new recruits in a period set by goal or at least the same number as their staff in the same period, whichever is greater.
9. Properly execute actions needed by their game plan.
10. Provide back-up for any staff functions they fail to complete or adequality perform which have been delegated to them by their GC.
11. GCs must be adequately competent in their game to provide advice to members and to the Supreme Commander as needed.
12. Others as directed by the SC.
Game Executive Officer Duties Guideline
Powers and Purpose: Game Commanders (GC) having all the powers of a SC inside their games may create other guild officers as needed to aid them in the fulfillment of their duties. While many of those roles as game specific that of game Executive Officer (XO) is more universal. As such I will provide an outline for this role.
General Duties: Provide a point of contact for other guild officers in the game. Fill in for GC duties when needed. Be learning the game and GC duties and roles. Provide the GC with feedback on the state of the other staff and guild members of their game.
Specific Duties:
1. Be a supplemental new member contact.
2. Aid in fielding guild member questions.
3. Knowledge of their games and guild wide events calendar.
4. Knowledge of Peg Com Governmental systems.
5. Leading members in group content.
6. Understand the Peg Com Chain of Command.
7. Understand guild officer rules.
8. Be willing to and trained to recruit in their game.
9. Aid in promotion of guild wide, and in game events.
10. Others as needed by GC.
So Ordered:
Supreme Commander
26 AUG 23