Purpose: This General Order is meant to express the budget methodology of the Office of the Supreme Commander. My intent is this GO remain in effect well past my tenure as Supreme Commander for Pegasus Command.
I do hereby order the following budgeting formula for budget approval submissions to our Quroum:
For Official Guild Games that have been in existence more than 6 months and for which head count data on individual guild member participation is available the following formula shall apply:
Funding Formulas:
1. Calculate the total head count of members that have attended an operation or cc for the guild as a whole for the previous six months.
2. Calculate the total head count of members that have attended an operation or cc for each specific game guild as for the previous six months.
3. For each game guild divide its total head count by the total head count of the guild. This product should then be multiplied by 100 to give you a percentage. This percentage would be the portion of allocated funds that guild would receive.
4. Adjust percentage as needed for fairness and based on needs of guild.
For new Official Games or other games for which data does not yet exist to allow funding under the above:
A percentage for that game to be arrived at by consultation with the Head of State, historic, and other sources for what to expect as a guild participation rate as an AVG for 6 months.
Funding Rules:
1. Once a percentage is generated for all the games under proposal for a budget they should be rounded up or down to the nearest tenth in order to equal 100% of the funds.
2. Once this percentage is generated it is to be multiplied by the total amount of funding being requested and that would be the allocation to that specific Official Game. IE 10% on 100 USD being requested would generate 10 USD to that specific Official Game.
3. These rules or formula do not apply to any other funding categories. If other areas are to be funded out of the request reduce the total by that amount, then take the percentage.
4. These rules do not limit the Supreme Commander from asking for supplemental funding for Official Games or for other areas as special allocations.
5. Once funding is approved under this formula by the Quorum the Supreme Commander shall make all responsible efforts to avoid changing the allocation of any Official Games funding for that 6-month period.
6. Should an Official Game be shut down or suffer a severe drop in attendance for 90 days, or more the Supreme Commander should seek approval by the Quroum to recapture any unspent funds for that game. That may then be held or reallocated to other Official Games or areas.
7. All guild games should look for in game stability for monthly giveaways. As soon as possible funds should not be spent for monthly prizes, but in game items used as rewards.
Supreme Commander
4 JAN 24