FFXIV Pts System
FFXIV Guild Monthly Point System
Purpose: The point system is to reward members that participate in our guilds events. The hope is to encourage engagement with one another here in FFXIV and with all the other members in Pegasus Command.
How it works: All you need to do is attend the Ops/Events as listed and you will receive the pts based on that participation. This in no way adds to membership requirements, and no specific event/op is ever mandatory, pick what you like. Once per week a list of members with points and their total will be posted, should you notice a mistake let me know! I am only human and I know I will make em lol.
Who wins: The member with the most points wins the prize at the end of each month. Keep in mind I am not eligible to win so you are not competing with me, I have to be there anyway lol. Should we have a tie we will resolve it by a Chocobo race, or in discord dice roll as the winners wish.
What is the prize: For all months other than FEB (FFXIV Guild’s Anniversary Month) and JUL (Peg Com’s Anniversary Month) the price will be a gift card of 20 USD to Steam/Amazon or a gifted item up to that amount in game. For FEB and JUL, it will be 30 USD.
How many points for what:
10 pts, per normally scheduled guild OP
5 pts, per Commander’s Call (CC)- These are random ops/events we have that are not scheduled. Notice of it will be in discord and game.
10 pts, per Guild wide event. These are events like movie night, Peg Com DnD etc..
20 pts, per Anniversary Event- guild or for Pegasus Command
Command Discretion, per award up to 10 pts- This is for any member doing something unique worth rewarding. Helping another member with content, crafting items for someone in the guild, etc..