Radian-FF-GO-08-2021-001 | FFXIV Raid Group Rules
In order to increase the speed, efficiency, and enjoyment of our raid teams, I am implementing the following rules for our fixed raid groups:
Each raid team member must show up no less that fifteen minutes before the raid. Make sure your equipment is in good repair and you have any food buffs you think will help you in the fight.
If a member is not ready, we will find a substitute starting 5 minutes before the raid. We want to begin these things on time. Remember, there are seven other people counting on you.
Every member will make sure to have the content unlocked before the raid and watch or read the appropriate guide. The raid time is for raiding, not for unlocking content. You have 6 other days during the week to unlock content. If someone needs help, there are plenty of people who can help. Contact the GC or an Officer if you need assistance with this.
Discord Communications
Everyone on the raid team needs to be on Discord with the ability to listen. During the fights, callouts will be done by the raid leader or someone designated by the raid leader to assist with callouts. If tank swaps are necessary in the fight, the tanks will communicate with each other as well. Calm and professionally, not like someone just stuck an axe in your back. Also, during the combat phases, comms will be kept to a minimum so clear-as-possible instruction and callouts can be given.
In the event of a wipe, which happens often, between pulls is the time for the group to analyze what happened and talk about corrective actions. Everyone's opinion here is valuable and that is when we can have a group discussion on how to improve our performance.
Some things go without saying, but even with multiple wipes, which can be frustrating, we will not take it out on other members of the group. Not in our tone, not in our language, nothing. We will be kind and polite and respectful and that is that. We will keep swearing to an absolute minimum. Stress and negativity breeds more stress and negativity. If that becomes an issue, one warning will be given and for the next raid, a substitute will be found.
If someone can't be polite to another member, then a FFXIV PegCom raid team is probably not the place you need to be.
I.E. Tanks are there to tank, they know this. Healers are there to heal. That is why they are on that job. DPS is fully aware they need to DPS. In between pulls, we will together examine what went wrong and then the raid leader will offer suggestions in a polite way. Anyone constantly badgering and ordering someone else about will be dealt with swiftly and a replacement will be found.
If we follow these basic rules, our raids should run very smoothly and everyone should enjoy them. If we do have trouble with a fight, we will beat it eventually. Most fights we can probably win in an hour or less, though later on it may take a bit longer. If we stay organized we will do wonderfully.
~Radian - GC - FFXIV