Sompek Arena preparation list
Useful Devices that need equiping:
Large Kit Overboosters (tic-tacs, craftable under kit module section, need 100 of em for a single run)
Large Hypos
Large Shield Cells
Frequency Remodulator (or it's distant cousin Fractal Remodulator if you don't have a weapon or other thing to overcome adaptation)
Shard of Possibilities (mudd's)
Paradox Corrector (delta recruit)
Temporal Flux Generator (Time in the Bottle episode)
Pahvan Healing Crystal (Illusion of Communication episode)
Useful Devices that don't need equiping (or have long-term buffs):
Gambling device (Lobi)
Fleet Ground Boost (Fleet Starbase)
Bajoran Mojito (summer event)
Risian Mai-Tai (summer event)
Risian Wine (summer event)
Rokassa Juice (summer event)
Chocolate Passion Punch (summer event)
Nukara Reinforcements (Nukara Rep)
Romulan Reinforcements (Romulan Rep)
If there is anything else feel free to add