What Citizenship means
Pegasus Command Citizen what does it mean, and what new obligations do you have are reasonable questions to ask before and after citizenship.
What it means:
You are now a full member of Pegasus Command. You no longer can be purged from the guild, without cause, or you have not attended an OP in 60 days. You have basically what could be called tenure in the guild. Your name is now on the Peg Com Citizen list, and you can run for elected office and vote. You are also eligible to display guild and game medals and may take leave.
What do you now have to do:
Citizens have no more obligations on them than members, other than know the rules a bit better. What it means is you can now choose to do more with Pegasus Command to help put your mark on it, as so many before you have. You can do this by voting in our elections and holding office. Both are highly encouraged but neither is required. New voices, ideas, ways of doing things, and improvement of the guild are core principles of Peg Com and without our citizen involvement none of that can happen.